Today we started out finishing our Respiration notes. Here are the notes (know the terms in blue):
- When the diaphragm contracts air is "pulled" into the lungs due to increase in volume and decrease in pressure (negative pressure breathing)
- When the diaphragm relaxes air is "pushed" out of the lungs due to decrease in volume and increase in pressure
- Automatic control centers in the brain regulate breathing
- Nerves tell the diaphragm when to contract
- The normal respiratory rate is 10-14 inhalations per minute, but this changes depending on the level of carbon dioxide in the blood (more carbon dioxide = faster respiration rate)
- Hyperventilation - purges the blood of so much carbon dioxide that the brain stops sending messages to the diaphragm (breathing in a paper bag increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the body and restores normal breathing)
- Oxygen does not dissolve into the blood
- Oxygen will be carried through the blood by hemoglobin molecules in red blood cells
- Hemoglobin = 4 polypeptide chains, heme (chemical group), and iron - it is a big protein
- Every iron atom can bind to 1 oxygen molecule (therefore, hemoglobin can carry up to 4 oxygen molecules)
- Iron deficiency causes anemia
- Hemoglobin also binds to carbon monoxide
- Carbon monoxide interferes with the delivery of oxygen to the body cells, since hemoglobin binds to carbon monoxide VERY QUICKLY, and cellular respiration (it basically causes death - this is called carbon monoxide poisoning)
- Air pollutants can cause respiratory problems
- Tobacco smoke is one of the worst forms of air pollution, and contains over 4000 chemicals
- These damage mucus and cilia, making it difficult to remove foreign particles (think of smokers cough)
- Emphysema - disease that causes alveoli to disintegrate (it reduces the lungs' ability to exchange gases)
- Vital capacity - the largest possible amount of air which can be exhaled after drawing in a deep breath
- Expiratory reserve - the amount of air that remains in the lungs after exhaling normally but which can be expelled
- Tidal volume - the amount of air taken in or expelled during normal breathing
- Residual volume - the amount of air in the lungs that cannot be expelled
Finally, we started the nervous system notes, so here they are:
- Neuron - nerve cell specialized for carrying signals from one part of the body to another
- Nerve - communication line made from bundles of neuron fibers wrapped in connective tissue
- CNS - central nervous system (brain and spinal cord)
- PNS - peripheral nervous system (nerves that carry impulses in and out of the CNS)
- 3 functions of the N.S. (nervous system)
- Sensory input - sensory neurons carrying impulses from sense organs to CNS
- Integration - association neurons or interneurons, found only in the CNS, interpreting the sensory signals and creating a response
- Motor output - motor neurons, conducting signals from integration to effector cells (muscle cells - perform body's response)
- In a motor neuron...cell body - nucleus and other organelles
- Dendrites - branched, short, and receive incoming messages from other cells or the environment
- Axon - long, single fiber, conducts signal toward another neuron or effector
- Supporting cells - protect, insulate, and reinforce neurons
- Myelin sheath - chain of beadlike supporting cells
- Node of Ranvier - spaces in myelin, only points where the impulse can be transmitte (signals = about 150 m/sec - 330 mi/hr)
- Synaptic knob - relays signals to another neuron or effector
- Resting potential - voltage (potential difference) across the plasma membrane of a resting neuron (negative charge inside, positive charge outside)
- Stimulus - anything that causes a nerve signal to start
- Action potential - self-propagating change in the voltage across the plasma membrane
- Finish the lab (UP 57-61)
- Crossword puzzle (due 6/1)
- UP 47-54 (do/read/study)
- Study for finals
Using bulletpoints is a good idea but maybe break up your text a little bit more so there isnt as much information stacked together. I like how you highlighted key terms, it made your post a lot easier to follow. Keep up the good work!